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Upgrading Firefinder to Firefinder Plus

The Ampac Firefinder panel was announced as obsolete in September 2021 due to various challenges faced by the company in obtaining the necessary electronic components and the escalating costs and lead times of manufacturing. This article covers the process and requirements for upgrading from a Firefinder to a FirefinderPlus.

CEO, Firewize
21 Apr, 2023

The Ampac Firefinder has been one of Australia's leading fire detection and alarm systems for over 25 years and was officially announced as obsolete via a public accouncement on September 13, 2021.

In a world where safety is paramount, upgrading your fire detection system from Ampac Firefinder to Firefinder Plus is a crucial move. This article outlines the seven key steps involved in transitioning from one system to the other, ensuring you maintain the highest level of fire protection and compliance.

Ampac FireFinder

Step 1: Assess and Document the Existing Firefinder System

The first step in upgrading your fire detection system is to conduct an audit and survey of your existing Firefinder. This process involves examining the number of addressable fire detectors, addressable devices on each loop, and any conventional detector circuits. Additionally, it's essential to assess the panel's size, battery capacity, controls, impedance, and end-of-line devices to guarantee compatibility with the Firefinder Plus system.

Step 2: Prepare for the Upgrade

Before starting the upgrade, use the "Smart Config Plus" software to create a configuration file based on your existing device address numbers, zone numbers, and logic. This will streamline the installation process, ensuring a seamless transition. Additionally, it's vital to conduct a job hazard analysis and prepare a safe work method statement, gathering all required safety controls to minimize risk during the upgrade.

Step 3: Consult with Stakeholders and Prepare the Job Site

Engage with relevant stakeholders, including building owners, tenants, and facility managers, to determine the best time for the upgrade. Schedule necessary labor, equipment, and materials, then prepare the job site by ensuring electrical power is safely isolated, using lock-out, tag-out (LOTO) facilities where appropriate.

Step 4: Remove the Old Ampac Firefinder and Prepare the New Firefinder Plus

Before removing the old Firefinder, label all incoming conductors inside the fire panel to ensure a smooth transition. Isolate all ancillary controls, such as fire brigade connections, to avoid nuisance alarms. Carefully remove the old Firefinder, and prepare the new Firefinder Plus by creating space for existing conductors and ensuring there is no damage.

Step 5: Reinstall Conductors, Reinstate Mains Power, and Power Up the New Firefinder Plus

With the new Firefinder Plus prepared, begin by reinstalling all existing conductors. Ensure that conductors are terminated correctly based on their function, and check for any short circuits or incorrect connections. A licensed electrician should reinstate the mains power, then power up the new Firefinder Plus and connect the batteries.

Step 6: Test, Rectify Defects, and Verify System Operation

Once the new Firefinder Plus is powered up, download the configuration program prepared in Step 2. Identify and rectify any defects in the system, then conduct an end-to-end 100% test of all devices and ancillary devices. This verification ensures that the new Firefinder Plus operates as intended and complies with relevant regulations.

Step 7: Update Documentation, Drawings, and Provide End-User Training

Finally, update all necessary documentation and drawings to reflect the upgraded system. Provide end-user training to building occupants, ensuring they understand the operation and maintenance of the new Firefinder Plus system. This step helps guarantee the ongoing safety and performance of the upgraded fire detection system.

Upgrading your fire detection system from a Firefinder to a Firefinder Plus is a critical process that ensures the continued safety and compliance of your building. By following these seven steps, you can successfully transition between systems with minimal disruption and maintain the highest level of fire protection for your facility.

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