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Equipment is not permitted within a fire control centre

The requirements for a Fire Control Centre or Fire Control Room are set out in Specification E1.8 of Volume One of the National Construction Code. In this article we consider what equipment is NOT permitted within a fire control centre.

While out visiting a customers site recently noticed that two new Variable Speed Drives ("VSD") for a mechanical ventilation system. At the time I thought this would not comply with the requirements for a fire control room, but I needed to research Volume One of the National Construction Code ("NCC") to be sure.

In researching my response to the customer I decided to document what I had learned about the requirements for a Fire Control Room. The article also covers the difference between a Fire Control Centre and a Fire Control Room, which I am being honest I didn't know there was a difference.

In relation to my customers specific issue, I found Clause 4 of Specification E1.8 which described "equipment not permitted within a fire control centre" as follows;

4.  Equipment not permitted within a fire control centre
An internal combustion engine, pumps, sprinkler control valves, pipes and pipe fittings must not be located in a fire control centre, but may be located in rooms accessed through the fire control centre.


The installation of a Variable Speed Drive ("VSD") in a fire control room may be used as it is not specifically excluded in the "equipment not permitted" list in clause 4.

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